Introduction to Swapping

Introduction to Swapping App

Welcome to our Swapping App Guide.

We at Chainflip believe that the best form of on-chain trading lies in native cross-chain swaps.

This section will cover everything you need to know about making a cross-chain swap using our front-end application (opens in a new tab).

You can learn more about how swapping works under the hood in Native Swap Flow.

Swapping Pre-release

This pre-release is not the full product and should not be taken as a representation of the full capabilities of the Chainflip network.

Swapping App

The JIT AMM is a brand new protocol never before used in the wild, and so to allow the teams working around the Chainflip protocol to develop their systems around it, it is necessary to have some real exposure to real markets with real money.

The most notable difference is the missing aggregation functionality for increased asset coverage. This pre-release will only support native assets supported by the Chainflip protocol.

Pre-Release limitations

  • A hard cap on both the frontend and backend to about ~$50,000 maximum per deposit — Learn more in Deposit Caps. Any amount sent over these limits will be absorbed by the protocol.

  • A minimum deposit amount for each supported asset. Learn more in Minimum deposit amounts

  • A limit on the number of deposit channels that can be opened at any time on both the frontend and the backend in order to protect the protocol from being overloaded with requests.

  • No aggregation or Cross-Chain Messaging (CCM) enabled (yet). This means only Chainflip native chains and assets. Learn more in Supported Chains & Assets

  • Swapping may be temporarily paused at any time in this pre-release, if we have reason to believe funds are at risk, the protocol isn’t behaving as expected or ther's undergoing maintenance.

Users are welcome to swap, but should only do so if you understand the risk of doing so. Things may break.

For further information about the scope of the pre-release, check this post (opens in a new tab).
