Liquidity Provisioning
Boost Integration

Boost Integration

This page outlines how to integrate boost into your application.

See here for an introduction to boost.

For a detailed description of how boost works, see here.

Boost Pool Integration

If you wish to allow for people to contribute to boost pools in your application, here is how you can do it.

First, the user needs to have an on-chain account with the LiquidityProvider role.

The user then needs to deposit funds into the account, so they have a free balance.

There are then two relevant extrinsics for boost.

add_boost_funds(asset: Asset, amount: Amount, fee_tier: u16)

For more details on how add_boost_funds works, see here.

Adds the provided amount from the user's free balance to the boost pool for the given asset and fee tier.

Note: The amount should be in the smallest unit of the currency specified.


const { ApiPromise, WsProvider } = require('@polkadot/api');
// Initialise the provider & connect to the CF node
const provider = new WsProvider('ws://rpc-node:9944');
const api = await ApiPromise.create({ provider });
if (api.isReady) {
    await api.tx.BitcoinIngressEgress
            '100000000', // 1e8 -> 1 BTC
             5 // fee tier
            // ...

stop_boosting(asset: Asset, fee_tier: u16)

For more details on how stop_boosting works, see here.

Moves any of the user's funds into their free balance, and queues any of their balance that is currently involved in pending deposits to go to their free balance once those deposits are finalised.

If a user calls add_boost_funds after calling stop_boosting, the funds that were pending confirmation to be withdrawn will be added back to the available balance in the boost pool.

const { ApiPromise, WsProvider } = require('@polkadot/api');
// Initialise the provider & connect to the CF node
const provider = new WsProvider('ws://rpc-node:9944');
const api = await ApiPromise.create({ provider });
if (api.isReady) {
    await api.tx.BitcoinIngressEgress
             5 // fee tier
            // ...

How to Use the Extrinsics

To use these extrinsics, you will need to know what parameters to pass to them. You can find the list of available fee tiers for a particular asset using the Boost Pool Details RPC.

To see all the available assets you can use this RPC:

curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{
    "method": "cf_supported_assets",
    "params": []
}' http://localhost:9944

Of these assets, the chain is which pallet instance to interact with e.g. BitcoinIngressEgress for Bitcoin. The asset you then supply to the extrinsics is the asset you wish to use for boosting, or stop boosting, on that particular chain.

If there are no tiers for that asset, it means boost is not currently supported for that asset.

To provide more details to the user about the boost pools, you can see the list of other Boost RPCs.

Safe Mode

The Safe Mode RPC provides information about the availability of various boost actions, which you may want to use to inform your users about the current state of the boost system.