Liquidity Provisioning


Liquidity Provisioning Documentation

Welcome to the Chainflip Liquidity Provisioning Documentation. Our goal with this documentation is to enhance your Developer Experience in three key ways:

  1. Educate: We aim to familiarize developers with the fundamental concepts of the Chainflip Protocol.
  2. Enable Integration: Our documentation provides detailed instructions, practical code examples, and best practices for integrating the Chainflip Protocol into your projects. We cover everything from setting up your development environment to handling responses and errors.
  3. Support Development: We offer comprehensive troubleshooting guides, FAQ sections, and additional resources to help you efficiently overcome any challenges you might encounter during the integration process. We also provide support channels for further assistance.

Whether you're looking to integrate cross-chain swapping functionality, enable liquidity provisioning, or simply explore the potential of the Chainflip Protocol, this guide will serve as a valuable resource.

Liquidity Provisioning

The Liquidity Provisioning (LP) API bundle allows liquidity providers to place orders programmatically through the Just-In-Time AMM. This is achieved by connecting to the State Chain client using Websockets and RPC calls, a method typical of centralized exchanges. This design eliminates the need for complex middleware to translate blockchain activity into instructions compatible with typical market-making software, setting us apart from other DEXes.

If you're interested in providing liquidity, start with our Liquidity Provisioning Guide.