Getting Logs

Getting Logs

We use journald (opens in a new tab), which is systemd default log management service, to collect logs generated by the node and the engine. To interact with it, you'll use journalctl. Below are some useful commands when debugging your validator node.

Journalctl 101

Getting all logs for unit

journalctl -u chainflip-node.service

This will output all logs generated by that unit. You hit space to scroll through the logs from older to newer.

Following logs

If you want to see logs in real time, run the following:

journalctl -f -u chainflip-node.service

Using time ranges

To filter your logs using time ranges you can run the following:

Relative time range

journalctl -u chainflip-node.service --since "1 hour ago"

Specific time ranges

journalctl -u chainflip-node.service --since "2023-06-20 23:15:00" --until "2023-06-20 23:25:00"