Execute Swap
Alternatively, calling the swap()
function in the Chainflip Vault contracts allows to initiate a swap immediately. The swap is then triggered without the need of a Deposit Channel and therefore, no Broker is necessary.
Using smart contract calls is faster than requesting a deposit address but also more expensive (more gas involved on approving token and amount allowance).
With this method, there's no fixed period of time subject to expiration.
Learn more in Direct Vault Trades section.
This method was removed from the SDK because it is not incompatible with the protocol changes in version 1.8.
As a replacement, you should use the encodeVaultSwapData method to get the unsigned transaction data for a swap. This data can be signed and submitted to the source chain with your preferred web3 library (eg ethers.js or viem).
Initiates a swap for the given parameters. For ERC-20 tokens, this method will request approval to use the tokens when the allowance is lower than the transfer amount.
params: ExecuteSwapParams,
txOpts: TransactionOptions = {},
): Promise<TransactionHash>
The ExecuteSwapParams
has the following format:
type ExecuteSwapParams = {
srcChain: Chain;
srcAsset: Asset;
destChain: Chain;
destAsset: Asset;
destAddress: string;
amount: string;
The amount
param will always be in the base unit of the source asset, i.e. for ETH
it will be Wei.
If no srcAsset
is provided, the source asset is native ETH
The TransactionOptions
allow to control the submitted transaction:
type TransactionOptions = {
gasLimit?: bigint;
gasPrice?: bigint;
maxFeePerGas?: bigint;
maxPriorityFeePerGas?: bigint;
nonce?: number;
wait?: number; // number of confirmations before the method returns the transaction hash
import { Chains, Assets } from "@chainflip/sdk/swap";
// Swaps 1 Ether for Bitcoin
const transactionHash = await swapSDK.executeSwap({
amount: (1e18).toString(), // 1 ETH
destChain: Chains.Bitcoin,
destAsset: Assets.BTC,
destAddress: "1A1zP1eP5QGefi2DMPTfTL5SLmv7DivfNa",
The resulting transactionHash
can be used in Get Status.
executeSwap() with Cross-Chain Message (CCM)
Additionally, the Chainflip vault smart contract has a call()
function that allows passing an additional message
property to the destination chain. This enables to call a smart contract on the destination chain.
This enhanced composability allows any protocol to seamlessly integrate with Chainflip.
Initiates a swap for the given parameters and calls the destination address with the given message
For ERC-20 tokens, make sure the token allowance is enough to cover the transfer amount.
The executeSwap
method can call this smart contract function when passed a ccmParams
object with the rest of the ExecuteSwapParams
type ExecuteSwapParams = {
srcChain: Chain;
srcAsset: Asset;
destChain: Chain;
destAsset: Asset;
destAddress: string;
amount: string;
ccmParams: {
gasBudget: string;
message: `0x${string}`;
} | undefined;
The amount
and gasBudget
will always be in the base unit of the source asset, i.e. for ETH
it will be Wei.
The message
param is a HEX-encoded sequence of bytes that should be passed
with the swapped assets and should be shorter than 15k bytes.
Message Receiver
Anyone looking to integrate Chainflip must implement the Solidity function signature below on the receiving contract address for EVM chains (see EVM integration) or the equivalent for Solana (see Solana integration).
function cfReceive(
uint32 srcChain,
bytes calldata srcAddress,
bytes calldata message,
address token,
uint256 amount
) external payable;
pub fn cf_receive_token<'c: 'info, 'info>(
_ctx: Context<'_, '_, 'c, 'info, CfReceiveToken<'info>>,
_source_chain: u32,
_source_address: Vec<u8>,
_message: Vec<u8>,
_amount: u64,
) -> Result<()>;
pub fn cf_receive_native<'c: 'info, 'info>(
_ctx: Context<'_, '_, 'c, 'info, CfReceiveNative<'info>>,
_source_chain: u32,
_source_address: Vec<u8>,
_message: Vec<u8>,
_amount: u64,
) -> Result<()>;
Additionally, in Solana all accounts accessed in a transaction need to be specified in an account list as described in Solana considerations.
If the receving address is not a contract or the contract call fails, the Chainflip protocol won't submit the transaction to the destination chain.
This can lead to a loss of funds.
This is how the executeSwap()
function looks like with a cross chain message :
import { Chains, Assets } from "@chainflip/sdk/swap";
// Swaps 1000 USDC for ETH and pass a message
const transactionHash = await sdk.executeSwap({
amount: (1000e6).toString(), // 1000 USDC
destChain: Chains.Ethereum,
destAsset: Assets.ETH,
srcAsset: Assets.USDC,
destAddress: "0x1234567890abcdef1234567890abcdef12345678",
ccmParams: {
message: "0xdeadc0de", // should be shorter than 15k bytes
gasBudget: (1e6).toString(), // 1 USDC will be swapped for ETH to pay for gas
The resulting transactionHash
can be used in Get Status.