Encode vault swap data
Vault swaps are initiated by sending a transaction that encodes the details of the swap in the transaction data to the Chainflip vault on the source chain directly. This allows to initiate swaps without waiting for a deposit address to be generated.
Learn more about vault swaps in the Vault Swaps documentation.
Vault swap transactions need to encode the swap details in a specific format supported by the protocol. The user needs to sign and submit this transaction to initiate a swap. Therefore, applications usually require users to connect their wallet to initiate vault swaps.
Compared to deposit channel swaps, the vault swap process is similar to the swap process of other decentralized exchanges and therefore might be easier to integrate into existing applications.
Returns the unsigned transaction data for the given VaultSwapRequest
This method uses the broker_request_swap_parameter_encoding
RPC method of the configured Broker API.
function encodeVaultSwapData(vaultSwapRequest: VaultSwapRequest): Promise<VaultSwapResponse>
type VaultSwapResponse = {
quote: Quote;
destAddress: string;
fillOrKillParams: {
retryDurationBlocks: number,
refundAddress: string,
slippageTolerancePercent: number;
srcAddress?: string;
brokerAccount?: `cF${string}`;
brokerCommissionBps?: number;
affiliateBrokers?: {
account: `cF${string}` | `0x${string}`;
commissionBps: number
ccmParams?: {
gasBudget: string,
message: string,
additionalData?: string,
extraParams?: { solanaDataAccount?: string };
The vaultSwapRequest
object describes the swap for which the vault swap data is encoded.
Param | Description | Data type |
quote (required) | The object returned by getQuoteV2 . This object will be used to set the input and output assets, the DCA parameters (if it is a DCA quote), and the boost parameters (if it is a boost quote). | Quote |
destAddress (required) | Address where the swapped tokens will be sent to on the destination chain. | string |
fillOrKillParams (required) | Parameters to set a minimum accepted price. This allows to protect against price changes between a quote and the execution of a swap (also known as slippage protection). | Object |
srcAddress (optional) | Address that will sign and send the vault swap transaction. This parameter is required to encode vault swaps starting from Solana. | string |
brokerAccount (optional) | Broker account that recieves the commission for the swap. | string |
brokerCommissionBps (optional) | Commission charged by the broker of the swap, in basis points. This option is only available when setting a brokerAccount or the SDK is initialized with a brokerUrl | number |
affiliateBrokers (optional) | An array of objects defining affiliate accounts that take a commission in addition to brokerCommissionBps . This option is only available when setting a brokerAccount or the SDK is initialized with a brokerUrl | Array |
ccmParams (optional) | Optional parameters for passing a message to a reciever contract/program on the destination chain. | Object |
extraParams (optional) | Additional data that is required for encoding vault swap transaction data for specific chains.
| string |
Result type
type VaultSwapResponse =
| {
chain: 'Bitcoin';
nulldataPayload: string;
depositAddress: string;
| {
chain: 'Ethereum' | 'Arbitrum';
calldata: string;
value: bigint;
to: string;
sourceTokenAddress?: string | undefined;
| {
chain: 'Solana';
programId: string;
accounts: {
pubkey: string;
isSigner: boolean;
isWritable: boolean;
data: string;
Ethereum vault swap
import { Chains, Assets } from '@chainflip/sdk/swap';
import { getDefaultProvider, Wallet, Contract } from 'ethers';
const wallet = new Wallet(process.env.SECRET_KEY, getDefaultProvider('sepolia'));
const { quotes } = await swapSDK.getQuoteV2({
srcChain: Chains.Ethereum,
srcAsset: Assets.USDC,
destChain: Chains.Bitcoin,
destAsset: Assets.BTC,
isVaultSwap: true,
amount: (500e6).toString(), // 500 USDC
const quote = quotes.find((quote) => quote.type === 'DCA');
const vaultSwapRequest = {
srcAddress: wallet.address,
destAddress: 'bc1qar0srrr7xfkvy5l643lydnw9re59gtzzwf5mdq',
fillOrKillParams: {
slippageTolerancePercent: quote.recommendedSlippageTolerancePercent, // use recommended slippage tolerance from quote
refundAddress: wallet.address, // address to which assets are refunded
retryDurationBlocks: 100, // 100 blocks * 6 seconds = 10 minutes before deposits are refunded
const vaultSwapData = await swapSDK.encodeVaultSwapData(vaultSwapRequest);
// approve chainflip vault to spend erc20 token
if (vaultSwapData.sourceTokenAddress) {
const sourceTokenContract = new Contract(
['function approve(address spender, uint256 value) returns (bool)'],
const approvalTx = await sourceTokenContract.approve(vaultSwapData.to, quote.depositAmount);
await approvalTx.wait();
const swapTx = await wallet.sendTransaction({
to: vaultSwapData.to,
data: vaultSwapData.calldata,
value: vaultSwapData.value,
const receipt = await swapTx.wait(); // wait for transaction to be included in a block
// status will be available after the transaction is included in a block
const status = await swapSDK.getStatusV2({ id: receipt.hash });
// console output:
chain: 'Ethereum',
to: '0x36ead71325604dc15d35fae584d7b50646d81753',
calldata: '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',
value: 0n,
sourceTokenAddress: '0x1c7d4b196cb0c7b01d743fbc6116a902379c7238'
Bitcoin vault swap (Boosted)
import { Chains, Assets } from '@chainflip/sdk/swap';
import Client from 'bitcoin-core';
import * as bitcoin from 'bitcoinjs-lib';
import ECPairFactory from 'ecpair';
import * as secp256k1 from 'tiny-secp256k1';
const keypair = ECPairFactory(secp256k1).fromWIF(process.env.WALLET_WIF);
const network = bitcoin.networks.testnet;
const walletAddress = bitcoin.payments.p2wpkh({
pubkey: Buffer.from(keypair.publicKey),
const { quotes } = await swapSDK.getQuoteV2({
srcChain: Chains.Bitcoin,
srcAsset: Assets.BTC,
destChain: Chains.Ethereum,
destAsset: Assets.ETH,
isVaultSwap: true,
amount: (0.015e8).toString(), // 0.015 BTC
// `boostQuote` may be undefined depending on asset and liquidity conditions
const quote = quotes.find((quote) => quote.type === 'REGULAR').boostQuote;
const vaultSwapRequest = {
srcAddress: walletAddress,
destAddress: '0xa56A6be23b6Cf39D9448FF6e897C29c41c8fbDFF',
fillOrKillParams: {
slippageTolerancePercent: quote.recommendedSlippageTolerancePercent,
refundAddress: walletAddress,
retryDurationBlocks: 100,
const vaultSwapData = await swapSDK.encodeVaultSwapData(vaultSwapRequest);
export const rpcClient = new Client({ host: 'https://bitcoin-testnet-rpc.publicnode.com' });
const inputUxto = {
txId: '4403c8d3b752a3aa0757031239a82ce92d67fadc1bb4a35f80ace660499edd55',
outIndex: 2,
const inputTx = bitcoin.Transaction.fromHex(
await rpcClient.command('getrawtransaction', inputUxto.txId),
const txFeeSats = 1000;
const tx = new bitcoin.Psbt({ network })
hash: inputTx.getHash(),
index: inputUxto.outIndex,
nonWitnessUtxo: inputTx.toBuffer(),
sequence: 0xfffffffd, // enable replace-by-fee
// first output needs to spend assets to deposit address
address: vaultSwapData.depositAddress,
value: Number(quote.depositAmount),
// second output needs to return encoded vault details using the OP_RETURN opcode
script: bitcoin.payments.embed({
data: [Buffer.from(vaultSwapData.nulldataPayload.replace('0x', ''), 'hex')],
value: 0,
// third output defines the refund address for the swap
address: walletAddress,
value: inputTx.outs[inputUxto.outIndex].value - Number(quote.depositAmount) - txFeeSats,
.signInput(0, {
publicKey: Buffer.from(keypair.publicKey),
sign: (hash) => Buffer.from(keypair.sign(hash)),
await rpcClient.command('sendrawtransaction', tx.toHex());
// status will be available once the transaction is in the mempool
const status = await swapSDK.getStatusV2({ id: tx.getId() });
// console output:
chain: 'Bitcoin',
nulldataPayload: '0x0001a56a6be23b6cf39d9448ff6e897c29c41c8fbdff640029a43fc140746a5e000000000000000001000200000000',
depositAddress: 'tb1pxu6h02gundytrfvlrxtjylkqmfv072ljtqcfvwclh37cx4eq7chqq6zmng'
Solana vault swap
import { Chains, Assets } from '@chainflip/sdk/swap';
import {
} from '@solana/web3.js';
import bs58 from 'bs58';
const keypair = Keypair.fromSecretKey(bs58.decode(process.env.SECRET_KEY_BASE58));
const dataAccountKeypair = Keypair.generate(); // ephemeral account that is used for storing the swap details
const { quotes } = await swapSDK.getQuoteV2({
srcChain: Chains.Solana,
srcAsset: Assets.SOL,
destChain: Chains.Ethereum,
destAsset: Assets.ETH,
isVaultSwap: true,
amount: (1.5e9).toString(), // 1.5 SOL
const quote = quotes.find((quote) => quote.type === 'REGULAR');
const vaultSwapRequest = {
srcAddress: keypair.publicKey.toBase58(),
destAddress: '0xa56A6be23b6Cf39D9448FF6e897C29c41c8fbDFF',
fillOrKillParams: {
slippageTolerancePercent: quote.recommendedSlippageTolerancePercent,
refundAddress: keypair.publicKey.toBase58(),
retryDurationBlocks: 100,
extraParams: {
solanaDataAccount: dataAccountKeypair.publicKey.toBase58(),
const vaultSwapData = await swapSDK.encodeVaultSwapData(vaultSwapRequest);
const transaction = new Transaction().add(
new TransactionInstruction({
keys: vaultSwapData.accounts.map((account) => ({
pubkey: new PublicKey(account.pubkey),
isSigner: account.isSigner,
isWritable: account.isWritable,
programId: new PublicKey(vaultSwapData.programId),
data: Buffer.from(vaultSwapData.data.slice(2), 'hex'),
const signature = await sendAndConfirmTransaction(
new Connection(clusterApiUrl('devnet'), 'confirmed'),
[keypair, dataAccountKeypair],
// status will be available after the transaction is included in a block
const status = await swapSDK.getStatusV2({ id: signature });
// console output:
chain: 'Solana',
programId: 'DeL6iGV5RWrWh7cPoEa7tRHM8XURAaB4vPjfX5qVyuWE',
data: '0xa3265ce2f3698dc4002f6859000000000100000014000000a56a6be23b6cf39d9448ff6e897c29c41c8fbdff01000000006a0000000064000000bf2bf609991893271a7f4b3c729ad95c2acde825e6b87e92b481ec7ea4eb4d0f0abb23c126fb7f864b4fd761ec874fd50cbc4b0300000000000000000000000000009e8d88ae895c9b37b2dead9757a3452f7c2299704d91ddfa444d87723f94fe0c000000',
accounts: [
pubkey: 'GpTqSHz4JzQimjfDiBgDhJzYcTonj3t6kMhKTigCKHfc',
isSigner: false,
isWritable: false