Quick Start & Working Examples
The Chainflip SDK is a npm package:
npm install --save @chainflip/sdk
Set up
To start using the Chainflip SDK, you'll first need to create an instance with the appropriate options
import { SwapSDK } from "@chainflip/sdk/swap";
import { Wallet } from "ethers";
const options = {
network: "perseverance", // Testnet
broker: { url: 'https://my.broker.io' },
const swapSDK = new SwapSDK(options);
The options
object accepts the following properties:
Param | Description | Data type |
network (optional) | The Chainflip network to interact with. Defaults to perseverance . | 'sisyphos' | 'perseverance' | 'mainnet' |
backendServiceUrl (optional) | The URL of the backend service (opens in a new tab). Defaults to the backend service run by Chainflip for the given network. | string |
broker (optional) | The URL of the Broker API used for initiating swaps. Defaults to the Broker API run by Chainflip for the given network. | { url: string } |
rpcUrl (optional) | The URL of the Chainflip RPC node. Defaults to the public rpc node operated by Chainflip for the given network. | String |
enabledFeatures (optional) | Features that must be explicitly opted into. | { dca?: boolean } |
Working Examples
Swap ETH to BTC via deposit channel
import { SwapSDK, Chains, Assets } from '@chainflip/sdk/swap';
// Initialize SDK
const swapSDK = new SwapSDK({
network: 'perseverance',
enabledFeatures: { dca: true },
// Fetch quotes for swap
const { quotes } = await swapSDK.getQuoteV2({
srcChain: Chains.Ethereum,
srcAsset: Assets.ETH,
destChain: Chains.Bitcoin,
destAsset: Assets.BTC,
amount: (0.1e18).toString(), // 0.1 ETH
// Find regular quote
const quote = quotes.find((quote) => quote.type === 'REGULAR');
console.log('quote', quote);
// Request deposit address for swap
const depositAddress = await swapSDK.requestDepositAddressV2({
destAddress: 'tb1p8p3xsgaeltylmvyrskt3mup5x7lznyrh7vu2jvvk7mn8mhm6clksl5k0sm',
fillOrKillParams: {
slippageTolerancePercent: quote.recommendedSlippageTolerancePercent, // use recommended slippage tolerance from quote
refundAddress: '0xa56A6be23b6Cf39D9448FF6e897C29c41c8fbDFF', // address to which assets are refunded
retryDurationBlocks: 100, // 100 blocks * 6 seconds = 10 minutes before deposits are refunded
console.log('depositAddress', depositAddress);
// Fetch swap status
const status = await swapSDK.getStatusV2({
id: depositAddress.depositChannelId,
console.log('status', status);
Swap ETH to BTC via Vault swap
import { SwapSDK, Chains, Assets } from '@chainflip/sdk/swap';
import { getDefaultProvider, Wallet } from 'ethers';
// Initialize SDK and Wallet
const swapSDK = new SwapSDK({
network: 'perseverance',
enabledFeatures: { dca: true },
const wallet = new Wallet(process.env.SECRET_KEY, getDefaultProvider('sepolia'));
// Fetch quote for swap
const { quotes } = await swapSDK.getQuoteV2({
srcChain: Chains.Ethereum,
srcAsset: Assets.ETH,
destChain: Chains.Bitcoin,
destAsset: Assets.BTC,
isVaultSwap: true,
amount: (0.1e18).toString(), // 0.1 ETH
// Find regular quote
const quote = quotes.find((quote) => quote.type === 'REGULAR');
console.log('quote', quote);
// Encode vault swap transaction data
const transactionData = await swapSDK.encodeVaultSwapData({
srcAddress: wallet.address,
destAddress: 'bc1qar0srrr7xfkvy5l643lydnw9re59gtzzwf5mdq',
fillOrKillParams: {
slippageTolerancePercent: quote.recommendedSlippageTolerancePercent,
refundAddress: wallet.address,
retryDurationBlocks: 100,
console.log('transactionData', transactionData);
// Sign and submit swap transaction
const transaction = await wallet.sendTransaction({
to: transactionData.to,
data: transactionData.calldata,
value: transactionData.value,
const receipt = await transaction.wait(); // wait for transaction to be included in a block
console.log('receipt', receipt);
// Fetch swap status
const status = await swapSDK.getStatusV2({
id: receipt.hash,
console.log('status', status);
Swap BTC to ETH with Cross-Chain Message
import { SwapSDK, Chains, Assets } from '@chainflip/sdk/swap';
// Initialize SDK
const swapSDK = new SwapSDK({
network: 'perseverance',
enabledFeatures: { dca: true },
// Fetch quote for swap
const { quotes } = await swapSDK.getQuoteV2({
srcChain: Chains.Bitcoin,
srcAsset: Assets.BTC,
destChain: Chains.Ethereum,
destAsset: Assets.ETH,
amount: (0.05e8).toString(), // 0.05 BTC
// Find dca quote
const quote = quotes.find((quote) => quote.type === 'DCA');
console.log('quote', quote);
// Request deposit address for swap
const depositAddress = await swapSDK.requestDepositAddressV2({
destAddress: '0xFcd3C82b154CB4717Ac98718D0Fd13EEBA3D2754',
fillOrKillParams: {
slippageTolerancePercent: quote.recommendedSlippageTolerancePercent,
refundAddress: 'tb1p8p3xsgaeltylmvyrskt3mup5x7lznyrh7vu2jvvk7mn8mhm6clksl5k0sm',
retryDurationBlocks: 100,
ccmParams: {
message: '0xdeadc0de',
gasBudget: (125000).toString(),
console.log('depositAddress', depositAddress);
// Fetch swap status
const status = await swapSDK.getStatusV2({
id: depositAddress.depositChannelId,
console.log('status', status);