Get channel opening fees
Returns the fee in Flipperino required to open a deposit channel for a chain.
function getChannelOpeningFees(): Promise<ChainMap<bigint>>
type ChainMap<T> = {
Bitcoin: T;
Ethereum: T;
Polkadot: T;
Arbitrum: T;
Solana: T;
When a broker opens a swap deposit channel, there is a fee that must be paid from the $FLIP balance of the account on the State Chain. The fee is measured in Flipperino which is the smallest unit of $FLIP (1 $FLIP = 10^18 Flipperino). This fee is determined per chain.
console.log(await swapSDK.getChannelOpeningFees());
// console output:
Bitcoin: 0n,
Ethereum: 0n,
Polkadot: 0n,
Arbitrum: 0n,
Solana: 0n