Javascript SDK
DCA Migration Guide (1.6.0)

Migration Guide for DCA (1.6.0)

If you plan to implement DCA, using the new methods (v2) is required.

This document aims to capture the changes and highlight the differences introduced in "@chainflip/sdk": "1.6.0"


V2 introduces pretty significant changes to the structure of the response in addition to some renaming.

Previously, getStatus() returned a flat object with all the fields in the root of the response. This made for some really long property names that were not very readable. Now, we have them nested at different stages of the swap lifecycle.

Furthermore, we have changed all the state names to be more human-friendly. We wanted to move away from expecting consumers to know the internal workings of our protocol.

before: "@chainflip/sdk": "<1.6.0"

  depositChannelCreatedAt: 1726755036551,
  depositReceivedAt: 1726755036551,
  broadcastRequestedAt: 1726755036551,

After: "@chainflip/sdk": "1.6.0"

  destAddress: "1yMmfLti1k3huRQM2c47WugwonQMqTvQ2GUFxnU7Pcs7xPo",
  destAsset: "DOT",
  destChain: "Polkadot",
  estimatedDurationSeconds: 48,
  depositChannel: { ... }, // stage: 1
  deposit: { ... }, // stage: 2
  swap: { ... }, // stage: 3
  swapEgress: { ...} // stage: 4
  refundEgress: { ...} // stage: 4 (only if there is a full or partial refund)

Ensure that the property exists before accessing its children with

if('prop' in prop){
  // do something

We use helpers to achieve this. Here are some examples:

const getEgressAmount = (response: SwapStatusResponseV2 | undefined) =>
  response && 'swapEgress' in response && response.swapEgress
    ? sdkStatus.swapEgress.amount
    : undefined;
const getSwapFailure = (response: SwapStatusResponseV2 | undefined) =>
  response &&
    'swapEgress' in response && response.swapEgress && 'failure' in response.swapEgress
      ? response.swapEgress.failure
      : undefined;

The biggest change v2 introduces is the possibility to have partial refunds due to DCA swaps. In v1, a swap could either be completed or refunded. In v2, a swap can be partially refunded. This means that the swap can be in COMPLETED state but still have a refund. This refund can be accessed in the refundEgress field of the response.


Due to the introduction of DCA, we have added a new method to get quotes for DCA swaps getQuoteV2()

This new method returns a tuple of quotes - a regular quote and a DCA quote. Whereas previously it just returned a single regular quote object. The response object is essentially the same as v1, except that the DCA quote includes an additional dcaParams object. The values returned by this object should be used in the next step when you open a swap deposit channel.


A new method for opening deposit channels has been added, requestDepositAddressV2(). This new method accepts the quote from getQuoteV2() and the destination address (among other parameters) and returns a deposit address. This method ensures that the DCA parameters from the quote are used properly when opening the deposit channel.