Get Quote
Fetches the quotes for swapping tokens based on the provided quoteRequest
and an options
Currently quotes can be either a regular quotes or a DCA quotes.
function getQuoteV2(quoteRequest: QuoteRequest, options?: RequestOptions): Promise<QuoteResponseV2>
type QuoteRequest = {
srcChain: Chain;
srcAsset: Asset;
destChain: Chain;
destAsset: Asset;
amount: string;
brokerCommissionBps?: number;
affiliateBrokers?: AffiliateBroker[];
isVaultSwap?: boolean;
type RequestOptions = {
signal?: AbortSignal;
Param | Description | Data type |
quoteRequest (required) | Object containing the quote request parameters. You can find the interface definition below. | Object |
options (optional) | Options related to the HTTP request. | { signal?: AbortSignal } |
The quoteRequest
object describes the swap for which a quote is returned.
Param | Description | Data type |
srcChain (required) | Source chain for the swap | Chain |
destChain (required) | Destination chain for the swap | Chain |
srcAsset (required) | Asset to be swapped from the source chain | Asset |
destAsset (required) | Asset to be received on the destination chain | Asset |
amount (required) | Amount of the source token to be swapped, represented in the base unit of the source token | string |
brokerCommissionBps (optional) | Commission charged by the broker in basis points. If given, the value will be used instead of the brokerCommissionBps passed when initializing the SDK instance | number |
affiliateBrokers (optional) | Array of objects describing the affiliate brokers that charge a commission | Array |
isVaultSwap (optional) | A flag indicating whether it is a vault swap. Vault swaps are exempt from ingress fees, so the returned value will be zero | boolean |
Result type
type QuoteResponseV2 = {
srcChain: Chain;
srcAsset: Asset;
destChain: Chain;
destAsset: Asset;
amount: string;
quotes: {
boostQuote?: BoostedQuoteDetails // only present if there is a boost opportunity for the requested swap amount
type: 'REGULAR' | 'DCA';
type QuoteDetails = {
intermediateAmount?: string;
egressAmount: string;
includedFees: SwapFee[];
poolInfo: PoolInfo[];
recommendedSlippageTolerancePercent: number; // recommended tolerance to prevent refunds while protecting against big price movements based on current market conditions
lowLiquidityWarning: boolean | undefined; // see below
estimatedDurationSeconds: number; // total estimated time until destination asset is received by the user
estimatedDurationsSeconds: {
deposit: number; // estimated time for a deposit to be witnessed
swap: number; // estimated time for a swap to be fully executed
egress: number; // estimated time until the output transaction is included in a block
estimatedPrice: string; // estimated price of the swap at amm level (does not include deposit/broadcast fee)
dcaParams?: { // only present if the quote is a DCA quote
numberOfChunks: number;
chunkIntervalBlocks: number;
type BoostedQuoteDetails = {
estimatedBoostFeeBps: number // estimated fee (in bps) that the user has to pay (from the deposit amount) to get this swap boosted
: This value is true if the difference in the chainflip swap rate (excluding fees) is lower than the global index rate of the swap by more than a certain threshold (currently set to 5%). This suggets there is not enough liquidity in the pool.
The intermediate amount is the value of the first swap leg. In this case, BTC > ETH requires both BTC/USDC and USDC/ETH pools (or legs).
Learn more about Chainflip's $USDC Denominated Pools.
import { Chains, Assets } from "@chainflip/sdk/swap";
const quoteRequest = {
srcChain: Chains.Ethereum,
srcAsset: Assets.USDC,
destChain: Chains.Solana,
destAsset: Assets.SOL,
amount: (50e6).toString(), // 50 USDC
brokerCommissionBps: 100, // 100 basis point = 1%
affiliateBrokers: [
{ account: "cFM8kRvLBXagj6ZXvrt7wCM4jGmHvb5842jTtXXg3mRHjrvKy", commissionBps: 50 }
console.log(await swapSDK.getQuoteV2(quoteRequest));
// console output:
srcChain: 'Ethereum',
srcAsset: 'USDC',
destChain: 'Solana',
destAsset: 'SOL',
amount: '50000000',
dcaEnabled: true,
quotes: [
egressAmount: '309311018',
recommendedSlippageTolerancePercent: 0.5,
includedFees: [
{ type: 'INGRESS', chain: 'Ethereum', asset: 'USDC', amount: '1395704' },
{ type: 'NETWORK', chain: 'Ethereum', asset: 'USDC', amount: '48604' },
{ type: 'BROKER', chain: 'Ethereum', asset: 'USDC', amount: '728335' },
{ type: 'EGRESS', chain: 'Solana', asset: 'SOL', amount: '14000' },
lowLiquidityWarning: true,
poolInfo: [
baseAsset: { chain: 'Solana', asset: 'SOL' },
quoteAsset: { chain: 'Ethereum', asset: 'USDC' },
fee: { chain: 'Ethereum', asset: 'USDC', amount: '24302' },
estimatedDurationsSeconds: { deposit: 90, swap: 12, egress: 90.6 },
estimatedDurationSeconds: 192.6,
estimatedPrice: '0.00636414974511718059',
type: 'REGULAR',
srcAsset: { chain: 'Ethereum', asset: 'USDC' },
destAsset: { chain: 'Solana', asset: 'SOL' },
depositAmount: '50000000',
isVaultSwap: false,
egressAmount: '309311018',
recommendedSlippageTolerancePercent: 0.5,
includedFees: [
{ type: 'INGRESS', chain: 'Ethereum', asset: 'USDC', amount: '1395704' },
{ type: 'NETWORK', chain: 'Ethereum', asset: 'USDC', amount: '48604' },
{ type: 'BROKER', chain: 'Ethereum', asset: 'USDC', amount: '728335' },
{ type: 'EGRESS', chain: 'Solana', asset: 'SOL', amount: '14000' },
lowLiquidityWarning: true,
poolInfo: [
baseAsset: { chain: 'Solana', asset: 'SOL' },
quoteAsset: { chain: 'Ethereum', asset: 'USDC' },
fee: { chain: 'Ethereum', asset: 'USDC', amount: '24302' },
estimatedDurationsSeconds: { deposit: 90, swap: 142, egress: 90.6 },
estimatedDurationSeconds: 192.6,
estimatedPrice: '0.00636414974511718059',
type: 'REGULAR',
srcAsset: { chain: 'Ethereum', asset: 'USDC' },
destAsset: { chain: 'Solana', asset: 'SOL' },
depositAmount: '50000000',
isVaultSwap: false,
dcaParams: {
chunkIntervalBlocks: 2,
numberOfChunks: 22,